Civil & Commercial Litigation

Any dispute that is not a criminal matter is considered civil litigation. This includes any business, contract, real estate, property, negligence, personal injury, medical malpractice or other non-criminal dispute. Mr. Martin has extensive experience representing clients in civil and commercial litigation matters.

Mr. Martin represents clients in many areas of civil and commercial litigation. This includes:

  • Commercial truck accidents
  • Auto and motorcycle accidents
  • Contract
  • Real estate
  • Property
  • Negligence
  • Personal injury
  • Medical malpractice
  • Other non-criminal dispute

The Martin Law Firm is committed to resolving disputes, whether through negotiation or litigation, in an effective and efficient way for the benefit of our clients. Our firm possesses the necessary experience and knowledge of the courts to help our clients. Experienced attorneys provide aggressive representation.

Call now to schedule your free initial consultation.

Call Now: (970) 730 4354.